Sinlung /
21 April 2011

Wanna Waste Time? Try These

They say that nobody ever said on their deathbed that they wish they spent more time at the office.

The reason why is because they spent time doing actual work and not poking around the Internet.

Had they spent more time on cat blogs, there would be no shame in sitting at a computer all day, because cat blogs truly are the fruit of life.

Crap Souvenirs

From the creator of Signspotting comes Crap Souvenirs, a seemingly endless collection of kitsch from gift stores around the world.


Anti Joke

Possibly the most famous joke of all time, regarding a chicken's motivation for crossing the road, is an example of an anti-joke, where the punchline deflates the set-up to humorous effect. is your source of hundreds of examples of such comedy.

Mount Rushmore Photoshopped

It's common to say that four paragons of any field are the "Mount Rushmore of [blank]," but Mount Rushmore Photoshopped takes it one visual step further.

Llama Font

Why does Llama Font, a site where text is converted to illustrations of llamas in various poses, exist? Why does "llama" have two Ls? These are the questions for which there are no answers.

Man Babies

Since we have to include one nightmare-fodder site every week, this time the slot goes to Man Babies, where dads and babies' heads are swapped out. Even creepier than the Etrade baby.

STFU Parents

Perhaps Facebook's biggest crime is shoving our cool friends' babies in our faces, giving daily reminders of how unfun they are quickly becoming. STFU Parents gives Facebook examples of parents who need to cool it with showing off their progeny to the world.

Hipster Animals

Hipster Animals might sound like a bit of a tired premise, but the inspired, carefully constructed drawings of animals rendered as hipster tropes really elevates this site to a thing of beauty.


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