Sinlung /
26 February 2011

LuvAtFirstTweet: A Twitter-Based Online Dating Service

LUVATFIRSTTWEETWish online dating was as easy as tweeting? Luv@FirstTweet helps achieve that goal by using the speed and ease of Twitter to help you meet potential dates.

What it is: Just launched this January, Luv@FirstTweet is a free Twitter-based dating service. Eliminating profile building and browsing, the service uses your tweeted answers to a variety of questions to make their version of a profile, and then bring you together with people they think are a match.

"It takes too much work," founder Jonathan Lehr said of traditional online dating. "Building a profile that usually becomes stale, browsing tons of profiles--a lot of times you send these messages to people and you never hear back. Girls get swarmed with creepy messages. Twitter is a really fun platform: it's easy, it's lightweight, it's mobile."

How it works: All you have to do is start following the luvatfirsttweet account with your own Twitter handle. From there, Luv@FirstTweet sends out daily questions, like, "What tv show do you make sure to watch every week?" or "What is your favorite beverage while working/studying?" You can answer as many as you choose, using @ replies, or Direct Messages (if you'd prefer to keep it private).

Or, you can log into your profile at the website itself, and fill out Match Questions that you might not have answered through Twitter. Luv@FirstTweet then takes your responses and uses its algorithm to make matches.

"We're getting you to that initial introduction phase, to start that conversation," said Lehr. "It's a much more meaningful conversation if you have a shared interest."

Why you'd use it:

The major advantage of Luv@FirstTweet is simple: it's a low-maintenance dating site for busy daters who may not want to spend hours browsing profiles, or dealing with the to-and-fro of traditional online dating. With just one tweet each day, you can begin to build your profile.

"It's easy and lightweight--we're Twitter dating," said Lehr. "It's more fun, and less time consuming--people use online dating because they're busy."

How to get it:

Just visit Luv@FirstTweet's website, or start following them on @LuvAtFirstTweet.


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